UI Frameworks are a tool that can be used to provide a less manual experience in coding. Semantic UI is an example which is used to support webpages in HTML and CSS. I find Semantic to be extremely useful as it takes care of some of the tedious parts of coding. It allows me to focus more on design and scripting instead of working on multitudes of visual aspects. I have built a website already using only CSS and HTML and have felt the struggle of manually defining tons of different values so that they appear correct. This includes having to ensure that the site appears correct with different page widths.
I found Semantic designed to be easy to learn and simple to use. For example the icons introduced in the i tag carry a large library of common to use icons. There is no need to scour the internet for similarly styled transparent logos. Another useful feature is the thought out menu systems in semantic ui. A header, footer or navbar can easily be made using similarly styled code. One of the best parts is that code typically is easy to insert from one project into another. This saves the time of having to recreate something you have done several times already. Of course one usually needs to touch up copied code so that it matches the theme and flows properly in its new environment.
I personally wish I had learned Semantic UI much sooner. I had touched it a little bit when my friend was trying to teach me it. The professional education I have recently received has proven quite useful. Semantic seems like something I can easily use and learn on the fly. I look forward to learning more tools such as React and MongoDB so that I can consider myself properly equipped to be a modern web developer. When possible, I will be excited to incorporate these skills into the website I have already created and manage.