Since I was young I have always been fascinated by electronics and the technology responsible for them. One of my current interests in that field is programming. I was first introduced to a mild version of programming in middle school with Lego Mindstorms. This used an icon-based environment to program a Lego robot. My first introduction to a text based language was much later in my senior year of high school. I was introduced to Python and used it for a variety of projects in my AP Physics class. I fell in love with the ease and utility that comes with coding and began exploring the language on my own.
This helped me decide that I wanted to major in information computer science. However, after talking with a variety of professionals on the career, I decided to instead major in computer engineering. Fortunately this occurred prior to starting my college career, allowing efficient pursuit of my degree. While in college I have been able to learn multiple languages such as Java and C, while also learning how to use a variety of hardware such as FPGAs and breadboards.
I am currently in my last semester as an undergraduate student and hope to still get the most out of it. I am enrolled in a class that discusses web design coding and practices called ICS 314. I already have a year of experience but I hope to be able to learn how to more professionally create and manage a website. On my own, I also hope to learn how to work with Microsoft Windows Server 2016. This will help me acquire a server certification to secure a job in the field.
As my undergraduate career ends, I hope to still continue my learning into my professional life. This may include additional self-studying to acquire more certifications or opting in to possible learning experiences offered from an employer or organization.